
Sunamganj to Dhaka Bus List, Schedule, Counter Number & Ticket Price

The road transport system has been improved a lot in every district of the country centered on Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. Due to which people are constantly traveling from Dhaka to different districts of the country and people are constantly leaving for their work from different districts to Dhaka. You will be happy to know that Sunamganj has a good road connection with Dhaka due to which it is possible to reach Dhaka by bus in a very short time.

If you want to reach Dhaka for any work or business reason then bus can be the best mode for you. As a bus passenger, you must want to know about the list of buses that travel from Sunamganj to Dhaka because by knowing this you can determine your journey.

On the other hand, it is important to know the schedule of the buses at which time they are traveling and to know the number of the counters they have for buying tickets. In a word, you as a passenger need to know all the information related to the bus schedule, counter number, ticket price etc. to go from Sunamganj to Dhaka.

We are happy to inform you that we have consistently presented all the information here from Sunamganj to Dhaka. So reach from Sunamganj to Dhaka by selecting and using the information that is important for you.

Sunamganj to Dhaka Bus List

Apart from AC operated bus, non-AC operated bus service has been launched for traveling from Sunamganj to Dhaka. The reputed bus services of the country are making their best effort to ply the advanced and powerful engine driven buses on this route.

Those of you who want to leave for Dhaka from Sunamganj for various jobs must know about the bus schedule and list before traveling to that place. We have published here the list of all the buses that travel from Sunamganj to Dhaka for the purpose of informing you.

Sunamganj to Dhaka AC Bus

A number of AC operated buses have been introduced to travel from Sunamganj to Dhaka in which you can reach Dhaka comfortably within a short time. We have published the list of buses from Sunamganj to Dhaka for you here. So select the bus you want to travel by and purchase the ticket.

Sunamganj to Dhaka Non-AC Bus


Sunamganj to Dhaka Ticket Price

You must have booked a bus to travel from Sunamganj to Dhaka but I would like to tell you that all the transports plying this route have a fixed fare. According to the source provided by the transport authority, we can know that the fare for travel from Sunamganj to Dhaka is fixed at 550 taka per passenger.

If you want, you can book tickets online by contacting the counter of the transport you want to travel. Through any mobile banking service you can easily complete it. We hope Sunamganj to Dhaka travel will be very safe for you and you will be able to reach your destination very easily.

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