
Brahmanbaria to Noakhali Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Many people continue to travel from Brahmanbaria to Noakhali. People go to Noakhali for various jobs. Some travel, many go to work. However, everyone needs a means of transportation or vehicle behind these trips. So many of us use many types of vehicles as vehicles. People are also traveling in many types of vehicles such as buses, micro trains.

However, everyone can guess the advantages or disadvantages of all the vehicles. So I would say every person needs to travel by train. By doing this, people can enjoy many benefits. And can get rid of many difficulties. Because traveling by train makes people’s journey very comfortable. So there is no risk or fatigue in human train travel. Moreover, traveling by train saves people a lot of money in terms of fare.

The fare we have to pay for the train from Brakshanbaria to Noakhali. We can never come by any other means of transportation at that fare. Because the fare has to be paid double amount in case of other journeys. So you can know from our article today. From which you can know all the train information in detail about the train schedule and ticket fare.

Brahmanbaria to Noakhali Train Schedule:

We all probably know that train is a state vehicle. But the rules and regulations of the train or many other things are unknown to us. eg train schedule. Train schedule is very important for every people to know. Because if you want to travel from Brakshanbaria to Noakhali by train. Then you need to know the train schedule.

Because if you don’t know the train schedule. Then you will know what time you will get the train. So if you are thinking of traveling by train, first of all you have to know the schedule well.


Know Brakshanbaria to Noakhali train schedule.

Name of the train: Akashto Express (712) departs from Brakshanbaria at 17:29
Reach Noakhali at 21:20
Holiday: Tuesday

Train Name: Noakhali Express (12) departs from Brahmanbaria at :00:41
Reach Noakhali at :05:50
Holidays: No

Notice the two trains above you. These two trains run from Brakshanbaria to Noakhali Ruti as per this schedule. So if you want to go to Noakhali through these trains. Then you need to keep these times in mind.

Because if you don’t know these times. Then you will not be able to know the train timings on this route. Due to which you have to go to the station and get confused.

Brahmanbaria to Noakhali Train Ticket Fare List:

We have to pay rent as a result of traveling in any vehicle. Or you have to buy the ticket according to that fare from the ticket counter. Because you can never travel by train without a ticket. If you want to travel from Brakshan to Noakhali by train then you don’t have to pay much fare. Because the train fares are very low due to which each passenger spends very little money on train travel.


If you travel from Brakshanbaria to Noakhali by train. Then you have to pay a minimum fare of 130 rupees in exchange for which you get the lowest quality seat in a train. And if you want to take the highest seat category come from AC berth. Then you have to pay Rs 524 as rent. In return you will enjoy the benefit of AC berth in the highest seat category.

And must buy the ticket before going on the train. The ticket should be purchased from the station ticket counter. You will enter the train by purchasing the ticket according to your preferred seat. Never take tickets issued by others which may spoil your journey. So must collect tickets from the ticket counter at the station.


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