
Bhairab to Chittagong Train Schedule & Ticket Price

The distance from Bhairab Bazar to Chittagong is very much. The distance of this road is 2043 kilometers. That is a long way for every human being. But the long journey must always be a comfortable journey, since the journey is far away, the journey must be comfortable. And as a comfortable journey, no other vehicle can be expected better than the train.

The train is a comfortable vehicle. Because the train movement does not feel any jhaki. Also, no bad smell during train travel. There is no noise pollution. In that case the train journey can be enjoyed very nicely. Trains run on every route in Bangladesh. Similarly, Antanagar and Express trains run on the Chittagong route from Bhairab Bazar. Intercity and Mail Express trains are widely known as the best quality trains in Bangladesh.

People can enjoy many benefits by traveling in these two types of trains. And these trains are operated by very modern and fast engines. In that case there is no delay in reaching the destination.

Through these trains you can reach Chittagong from Bhairab Bazar within four to five hours. Which takes much less time. If you want to go by other vehicles other than this train, such as bus, micro then you will need more time. Due to which you will waste a lot of time.

Many of you may be thinking of traveling through these trains but many of you may not have any idea about the schedule of re trains. Or don’t know anything about these train fares. But this post is more important for you. Because we want to publish. About the schedule and fare list of these trains. So know the schedule of intercity and mail express trains on this route.

Bhairab Bazar to Chittagong Train Schedule




Train Name Mahanagar Prabhati (704)
Departs from Bhairav ​​Bazar at :09:18
Reach Chittagong at 14:00 hrs
Holidays: None

Train Name Mahanagar Express (722)
Departs from Bhairav ​​Bazar at 23:05
Reached Chittagong at 04:50
Holiday: Saturday

Train Name Trina Express (742)
Departs from Bhairav ​​Bazar at 01:15
Reach Chittagong at 06:20
Holidays: None

Train Name Vijay Express (786)
Departs from Bhairav ​​Bazar at 00:05
Reach Chittagong at 05:30
Holiday: Tuesday

These four intercity trains ply regularly on this route. If you want to go on these trains. Then know that these times will be good. Because the train runs on this route according to this schedule. So you need to know the schedule well if you want to go to these trains.

Bhairab Bazar to Chittagong Train Schedule: (Mail Express)

Train Name Chittagong Mail (02)
Departs from Bhairav ​​Bazar at 00:57
Reached Chittagong at 07:25
Holidays: None

Train Name Karnaphuli Express (04)
Departs from Bhairav ​​Bazar at 11:29
Reached Chittagong at 18:00
Holidays: None

Train Name Mymensingh Express (38)
Departs from Bhairav ​​Bazar at 12:22
Reach Chittagong at 21:00 hrs
Holidays: None

Train Name Chatla Express (68)
Departs from Bhairav ​​Bazar at 14:54
Reach Chittagong at 20:50
Holiday: Tuesday

The girl’s express train and its schedule that you noticed here, these trains depart from Bhairab Bazar to Chittagong according to specific times, so if you want to go through email express trains, then you have to pay attention to its time.

Bhairab Bazar to Chittagong Train Fare List: (Intercity)


The fares of the intercity trains that run from Bhairab Bazar to Chittagong are almost at the same level. You can travel in these trains for a minimum to maximum fare of Tk 225-920.


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