Jamalpur to Tarakandi Train Schedule & Ticket Price
Many of you may be thinking about pulling Tarakand from Jamalpur. But I would say you have made a right decision. If you are planning to travel by Jamalpur to Tarakandi train for the first time then this decision will lead you to a new experience.
At present, the trains of Bangladesh operate on Jamalpur to Tarakandi route. The trains operate according to the modern system. And the trains you will find on this route. Those trains are operated by very modern and very powerful engines. Due to which you will not have any delay in reaching your destination as a result of traveling these trains.
You will find two intercity trains on the Jamalpur to Tarakandi route. Through which you can reach Tarakandi very comfortably. Besides, you can enjoy many benefits in inter-city trains nowadays. For example, you can sleep on the journey. There are also sleeping arrangements for you. Also, intercity trains have food, prayers and many entertainment options. By which you know you can complete it. So know Jamalpur to Tarakandi route intercity train schedule.
Jamalpur to Tarakandi Train Schedule:
Train Name Agniveena Express (735)
Departure from Jamalpur: 15:00
Reach Tarakandi at 16:45
Holidays: None
Train Name Jamuna Express (745)
Departs from Jamalpur at 21:20
Reach Tarakandi at :22:55
Holidays: None
These intercity trains ply on Jamalpur to Tarakandi route as per schedule. So if you want to go through these trains. Then you have to know these times well and according to this time you have to appear at the station to catch the train. Here are the timings of the trains. If you are unable to attend the station by this time. Then you cannot catch these trains. So know these times well.
Jamalpur to Tarakandi Train Ticket Price
Now if you want to go from one end to another end for less money then training is the only easy way for you. Because the train runs at the lowest loss in Bangladesh. You may all know that trains are government vehicles, so trains are operated by the government. So the train fare is charged very less for the convenience of common people.
As you all know a train has many different cables or bogies. All these books are divided into different names like Shobhan Shobhan Chair First Seat Snigdha AC, AC Barth. Train cabins divided by these names, you can enjoy different facilities in these different cabins. But for that your rent amount also varies.
The lowest cabin category is known here as Sobhaan category. If you want to go to Tarakandi from this lowest section. Then you have to pay only Rs.45 as rent. And if you want to enjoy maximum benefits of these trains. Means if you want to take a seat from the AC berth in the highest category, then you have to pay Tk 150.
It also has many more cabins that you can rent in different ways. But no matter which cabin you choose to go. You will need to purchase tickets as a result. Every person should purchase train tickets in advance with retainer. So if you also want to travel in these trains, you must buy tickets from the ticket counter of the station.
But remember don’t buy tickets from any person other than the ticket counter. Because many times many dishonest people cheat people with fake tickets. So if you want to buy tickets, buy tickets from the ticket counter of the station. After getting all these information, you don’t seem to have any difficulty in train journey.