
Jamalpur to Dhaka Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Many of you may be thinking of going by train from Jamalpur to Dhaka. But I’d say you’ve made the right decision. Because train is the only vehicle. Which operates on every route in Bangladesh. And with this train journey you can enjoy many benefits. The benefits that can never be expected from other vehicles.

Trains that currently run in Bangladesh. Those trains are now operated by much improved and faster engines. Because of which if you want to travel by trains. Then there will be no delay in reaching your destination. You never have to worry about Jamalpur to Dhaka route train. Because you will find many intercity and mail express trains on this route. So you have no reason to worry about the train. You will get any train anytime.

So for those of you who don’t know the intercity and mail express train schedule of this route. They immediately know the schedule of these trains.

Jamalpur to Dhaka Train Schedule:




Train Name Teesta Express (708)
Departure from Jamalpur: 15:52 Hamoy
Reached Dhaka at 20:25
Holiday: Monday

Train Name Agniveena Express (736)
Departure from Jamalpur at 18:30
Reached Dhaka at 23:00
Holidays: None

Train Name Brakshaputra Express (744)
Departure from Jamalpur at :07:35
Reach Dhaka at 12:30
Holidays: None

Train Name Jamuna Express (746)
Departure from Jamalpur: 30:10
Reached Dhaka at 07:45
Holidays: None

Train Name Jamalpur Express (800)
Departure from Jamalpur: 17:45
Reached Dhaka at 23:30
Holiday: Sunday

Checked the schedule of intercity trains that you have here. According to this time, trains run on Jamalpur to Dhaka route. So if you want to go through these trains. Then definitely know these train schedules well.

Jamalpur to Dhaka Train Schedule:
(Mail Express)

Train Name Dewanganj Yatri (48)
Departs from Jamalpur at 14:05
Reached Dhaka at 19:15
Holidays: None

Train Name Jamalpur Passenger (42)
Departure from Jamalpur at :05:57
Reach Dhaka at 11:15
Holidays: None

Train Name Bhawal Express (56)
Departure from Jamalpur at 03:30
Reached Dhaka at 11:35
Holidays: None

Email express trains depart from Jamalpur station according to the specified time of departure and reach Dhaka station according to the specified time, so there is no inconvenience to the passengers. Therefore, they want to go on these mail express trains. Then you should know the times well.

Jamalpur to Dhaka Train Ticket/Fare List:

You don’t have to pay much fare to travel from Jamalpur to Dhaka as the train fare is very low. In these trains you can go for different categories of fares which categories are determined according to the cabin of the train because there are many cabins in the train that you can enjoy different facilities and for that you have to pay different fares.


In a train, all these cabins can be seen, usually Shovan, Shovan Chair, Snigdha, First Seat, AC, AC Berth, but here the Shovan category is known as the lowest quality cabin. If you want to take a seat in this decorative section then you have to pay a fare of 160 tk.

And if you want to avail the AC berth, the highest seat category of the trains. Then you have to pay 656 rupees rent. You have come to know the train related information from our website. All these information are collected from Bangladesh Railway official website. We disclose this information for your convenience only.

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