Dhaka to Mymensingh Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Dhaka to Mymensingh Train Schedule & Ticket Price

If you want to travel from Dhaka to Mymensingh by rail. Then you have to pay 118 km which will be very easy for you for train movement. If you want to travel by train from Dhaka to Mymensingh then you will reach within about three to three and a half hours.

Also if you want to go by any other means of transportation. Then your time may take a little longer. Due to which you will waste a lot of time. So train is the best mode to travel from Dhaka to Mymensingh. Also train has many advantages like,,, we face many problems when we travel from one place to another by any other vehicle.

Like we don’t get vehicles on time and many people get physically sick due to traveling in those vehicles. From which a much more terrible form can take. Train is a medium where you can reach your destination very comfortably. You will not feel any fatigue. So train travel is very important for all people.

We provide all train information for your convenience like detailed information about train schedule and fare list which is very important for you to know. So let us know all the information about trains from Dhaka to Mymensingh.

Dhaka to Mymensingh Train Schedule:

There are many trains in our country. Which are spread in different places all over Bangladesh. All the trains inside it can be noticed on Dhaka to Mymensingh route. All those trains have been coming and going on this route for a long time.

Many of you may not know the schedule of those trains so this post is important for you. Because today we will talk about all these train schedules.

The trains which are running regularly from Dhaka to Mymensingh are Isha Khan Express (39) Teesta Express (707) Agniveena Express (735) Mohanganj Express (789) Yamuna Express (745) Brahmaputra Express (743) Howrah Express (777). .

Roughly all these trains are constantly running from Dhaka to Mymensingh. So those of you who don’t know the schedule of these trains yet, check the train timings given below.

Train Name: Isha Khan Express (39)
Departs from Dhaka: 11:30
Arrive Mymensingh: 21:25
Holidays: None

Train Name: Teesta Express (707)
Departed from Dhaka :07:20
Arrive Mymensingh :10:35
Holiday: Monday

Train Name: Agniveena Express (735)
Departs from Dhaka: 9:40
Arrival Mymensingh: 12:37
Holidays: None

Train Name: Mohan Ganj Express (789)
Departs from Dhaka: 16:20
Arrival Mymensingh: 17:20
Holiday: Monday

Train Name: Yamuna Express (745)
Departs from Dhaka at 16:40
Reach Mymensingh: 20:00
Holidays: None

Train Name: Brahmaputra Express (743)
Depart from Dhaka: 18:00
Reach Mymensingh: 21:20
Holidays: None

Train Name: Howrah Express (777)
Departs from Dhaka: 23:50
Arrive Mymensingh:03:50
Holiday: Wednesday

All the train timings that you have noticed here are running according to this timing so if you want to travel by train from Dhaka to Mymensingh then you have to be careful about the timing.

Dhaka to Mymensingh Train Fare List:

All the trains that run from Dhaka to Mymensingh. All those trains fare almost the same. However, fares are fixed according to the seat category in all trains. Because trains have many types of seats. Which are divided in different ways.. There are different categories of seats such as decorative, decorative chairs, AC, non AC and more. The fare of all these seats is same.


So you can take a seat as per your ability or as per your choice. Tickets should be collected according to that seat. You will get the ticket from the station ticket counter. If you wish to purchase a ticket, collect the ticket from the ticket counter at the station. No other person should purchase tickets from Dara or anywhere else. You may face many problems. We hope that all the information provided by us will be useful in your love building.

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