
Santahar to Rajshahi Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Are you looking for Santahar to Rajshahi train schedule and ticket fare list? But I’d say you’ve come to the right place. As we are going to reveal in this article. About Santahar to Rajshahi train schedule and ticket fare list. Which may be very important for you to know.

Also you can know some information about trains from this article. Which will be very useful in your train journey across Bangladesh. Read the complete article and understand the unknown facts about your train.

Currently train movement can be observed on every route of Bangladesh. Those trains are some of the very famous trains of Bangladesh. Similarly, the train from Santahar to Rajshahi is known to all of you through which you can easily travel to Rajshahi. So don’t delay and find out now. Name of all those trains and their schedule and ticket fare list.

Santahar to Rajshahi Train Schedule:


Train Name Varendra Express (732)
Departure from Santahar at :09:40
Reach Rajshahi at 12:20
Holiday: Sunday

Train Name Titumir Express (734)
Departure from Santahar :18:10 time
Reach Rajshahi at 21:00 hrs
Holiday: Wednesday

Both these trains leave for Rajshahi as per their schedule. And reached Rajshahi according to the time given here. So those who travel in these trains. They don’t have to worry about their time. Trains run on schedule so they can reach their destinations on time. So if you want to go to Rajshahi through these trains. Then remember that these times will be good.

Santahar to Rajshahi Train Ticket Price

You can go from Santahar to Rajshahi with very low fare only by train. Because the train is the state vehicle of Bangladesh is operated by the government. Therefore, train fares are taken low for the convenience of the common people of this country.

You can go from Santahar to Rajshahi by these few types of fares. Because these trains have many cabins. The cabins are divided in different ways such as decorated, decorated chair, cozy, first seat, AC. The train cabins are divided by all names.


But if you want to lose the least amount of money through these cabins. Then you have to go from the decorative section. And as a result 105 rupees rent has to be paid. And if you want to seat from the sweet section. Then you have to pay Tk 205 rent. Which is much less than other vehicles.

In addition, there are May sections through which you can go in more different ways. But no matter which category you want to take seat. This will require you to purchase tickets.

Must purchase tickets from the ticket counter at the station. Do not take tickets issued by any other person. This may cause your journey to fail. Because there are many dishonest people. Who steals a lot of money from people by giving them fake tickets.

So, if you want to buy tickets, buy them from the ticket counter of the station. But the category from which you have sought the ticket. Check carefully whether you got ticket from that category. You may not have to face any difficulty to go by train from Santahar to Rajshahi because here we have given you all the details about the train on this route.

You have got the train related information from our article. All this information has been collected from Bangladesh Railway official website. We disclose this information for your convenience only. So stay tuned to our website for updated information regarding tension on each route.

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