
Sonya Enterprise AC Bus Ticket Counter Number & Price

Sonya Enterprise is the best transport service in our country. People all over the country who like to make a journey by bus can choose the bus service. The company has given the best service for the customers. As a result, people like to use this bus service without any cost.

Today we are going to introduce you with Sonya Enterprise  Bus Ticket Counter and Price. We hope that you must read the article and get the accurate information from here.

Sonya Enterprise AC Bus Counter

Sonya Enterprise AC bus is running Tangail to Dhaka and Dhaka to Tangail Route. If you want to travel in Dhaka or Tangail, then the bus service is the best option for you. Because the authority has given the best service for the passengers.

People all over the country are very curious to know the company bus service counter number and location. Because they can get the bus schedule and ticket price from there. In this modern era, everything can be possible from home.

BRTC Bus Counter List & Ticket Price

There are some Bus Counter of Sonya Enterprise which is located both in Dhaka and Tangail. So, please keep your eyes here and get the information which you desire from us.


Sonya Enterprise AC Bus Tangail Counter Contact Number: 01912081358, 01977178797

Sonya Bus Schedule Time and Route

The counter list has mentioned above the article. It is high time to get the bus schedule. The bus is running Dhaka to Tangail and Tangail to Dhaka road. The route and time details has given below the article.
  • Route: Tangail>kortia> Savar> Kalyanpur
  • Tangail Counter Time: 7am, 9am, 11am, 1pm, 3pm, 5pm and 7pm.
  • Dhaka Counter time: 7am, 9am, 11am, 1pm, 3pm, 5pm and 7pm.
  • Mobile: Tangail- 01700994751, 01991-917380,
  • Kortia-01991-917385
  • Savar- 01991-917382
  • Kalyanpur- 01700994752, 01991-917381.

Sakal Sandaya Bus Ticket Price & Counter List

Sonya Enterprise Ac Bus Ticket Price

The bus service is giving the lowest rate ticket price in Dhaka to Tangail Route. The AC Bus ticket price has fixed only Tk.250/- till now. Undoubtedly, it is the cheapest price we ever seen. So, we highly recommend you to use this bus service for your journey.

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