
Akhaura to Dhaka Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Currently, trains run on every route in Bangladesh. Through which the people of this country have been traveling without any trouble. You can travel by train on every route of this country. Which is a big advantage for you. And it is a great convenience for every people of this country as a result of traveling by train, you can enjoy many benefits through which you can make train journey to any part of Bangladesh.

So those of you who are thinking of going by train from Akhaura to Dhaka. I will tell them that you have made the right decision because your decision will lead you to a new experience. Many of you may be thinking about which train you can take from Akhaura by train and many of you may not know about the schedule and fare of the trains plying on this route.

So you have no reason to worry. Because we will inform you in detail about Akhaura to Dhaka route train schedule and ticket fare list through this article. Intercity and Mail Express trains ply on Dhaka route from Akhaura. So know the schedule of these trains without delay.

Akhaura to Dhaka Train Schedule:



Train Name Mahanagar Twilight (703)
Departs from Akhaura at 19:00 hrs
Reached Dhaka at 21:25
Holidays: None

Train Name Coastal Express (711)
Departs from Akhaura at 09:00
Reached Dhaka at 11:45
Holiday: Wednesday

Train Name Mahanagar Express (721)
Time: 16:20 from Akhau
Reached Dhaka at 19:10
Holiday: Sunday

Train Name Trina Express (741)
Departs from Akhaura at 20:40 hrs
Reached Dhaka at 05:15
Holidays: None

These intercity trains are plying on this route regularly if you want to reach Dhaka through these trains. Then you need to know its timings well. Because you will not get the train at the station without this time. So reach the station on time.

Akhaura to Dhaka Train Schedule:
(Mail Express)

Train Name Dhaka Mail (01)
Departure from Akhaura :03:33 Samat
Reached Dhaka at 06:55
Holidays: None

Train Name Karnaphuli Express (03)
Departs from Akhaura at 15:20
Reached Dhaka at 19:54
Holidays: None

Train Name Surma Mail (10)
Departs from Akhaura at :03:55
Reached Dhaka at 09:15
Holidays: None

Train Name Dhaka Express (11)
Departure time from Akhaura: 01:12
Reached Dhaka at 06:40
Holidays: None

Train Name Titus Yatra (33)
Departs from Akhaura at 05:00
Reached Dhaka at 08:30
Holidays: None

The schedule of these mail express trains is fixed time from Bangladesh Railway office. So trains never run except during this time. Train passengers on this route as the trains are running as per scheduled time. can reach their destination on time. So if you want to go to these trains. Then you have to appear at the station on time.

Akhaura to Dhaka Train Ticket Fare List:


Here are the intercity trains you have noticed. Their rent is almost at the same level. But you have to pay the fare separately according to the cabin. Here are all the cabins. You can enjoy various facilities in those cabins.


The trim category is known as the lowest cabin. If you want to take seat from this section then you have to pay 135 rupees fare. And if you select the seat from the highest category of these intercity trains then you have to pay Rs.541 fare. In return you will get seat from AC berth of trains.


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