
Bhairab to Noakhali Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Those of you who are looking for Bhairab Bazar to Noakhali train schedule and ticket fare. They have come to the right place. As we are about to reveal here. About Bhairab Bazar to Noakhali train schedule and ticket fare list. There are some trains running from Bhairab Bazar to Noakhali regularly. Through which people can travel very easily and comfortably. But many of you may not have taken the train from Bhairav ​​Bazar to Noakhali.

But those who are thinking of going by train from Bhairav ​​Bazar to Noakhali for the first time. This post is very important for them. They will know us from this post. All about the train schedule and cost of this route to reach Noakhali. Also you will get some information related to such trains from here. Which will be very useful for you in train movement all over Bangladesh.

So those of you who don’t know about Bhairab Bazar to Noakhali route train schedule and fare then read our complete articles. And understand your unknown train information very easily.

Bhairab Bazar to Noakhali Train Schedule


Train Name Coastal Express (712)
Departs from Bhairav ​​Bazar at 17:00 hrs
Reach Noakhali at 21:20
Holiday: Tuesday

Train Name Noakhali Express (120)
Departs from Bhairav ​​Bazar at 12:08
Reached Noakhali at 05:55
Holidays: None

These two trains are constantly running from Bhairab Bazar to Noakhali. If you want to go to Noakhali by train then you have to go through these two trains so you have to pay attention to this time.

You have to remember the exact time well because if you don’t know the time, then you will not get the train by going to the station. So if you want to go through these trains, you have to remember their schedules well.

Traveling in these trains will save you a lot of time. Because your time will be spent much less as a result of commuting. When we want to go a long way, it is too late because of the journey. Because buses face many types of jams. Moreover, traveling by bus becomes very difficult due to the complexity of the roads. To avoid all these inconveniences every person should travel by train.

Bhairab Bazar to Noakhali Train Tickets & Fare List

You may all know that train is a state vehicle of Bangladesh. Due to which the people of this country get a lot of benefits as a result of traveling by train. And the most convenient thing is renting. Because you can travel by train at a much lower fare. Which is much less compared to other vehicles in Bangladesh.


The fare you have to pay for the Bhairab Bazar to Noakhali train depends entirely on the cabin you choose. Because the cabins in these trains. You will get different facilities in those cabins. The cabins that you will get in these trains are,,,Shovan,Shovan Chair, First Seat, Snigdha, AC, AC Berth. The train cabins are divided by these names.

Through which you can enjoy different services. And for that you have to pay rent according to that category. Among the cabins of this category, you can go for a minimum rent of 160 taka. For Rs 160 you will get seats from the lowest category Shobhan.

And if you want to go for maximum fare then you have to pay 662 rupees. In return you can enjoy maximum benefits from AC berth category. All the information you got from this article of ours. All this information is collected from Bangladesh Railway official website. We collect and disclose this information for your convenience only. So after getting this information, I think you don’t have to face any difficulties.


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