Comilla to Dhaka Train Schedule & Ticket Price
Many people travel from Comilla to Dhaka. Many people travel by many types of vehicles. All these vehicles are constantly providing transportation services to people. So if you are thinking of traveling by train from Comilla to Dhaka then you have come to the right place. Because here we are going to publish various information related to Comilla to Dhaka train schedule and its fare which you can know if you don’t know.
By getting this information, you can easily understand what you need to do to travel by train from Comilla to Dhaka. Moreover, in this article, you will be given some tips that will be very useful for traveling by train across Bangladesh.
Train is a state vehicle of Bangladesh or train is operated according to the government. Due to which the train has many facilities. By traveling by train, you can avoid many inconveniences. For example, you will not feel any fatigue due to which your body will not feel any fatigue.
Besides, you can reach your destination very easily by traveling by train. Because currently Bangladeshi trains are operated by high speed engines. Those of you who will go by train from Comilla to Dhaka. Read their completed post carefully. From which you can know details about train schedule and fare.
Intercity and Mail Express trains ply on Comilla to Dhaka route.
Comilla to Dhaka Train Schedule :
Comilla to Dhaka intercity trains that ply the Entnagar trains are very good quality trains in Jessore Bangladesh. By traveling in intercity trains you will get many benefits. For example, in inter-city trains you will get sleeping place, also you will get food and prayer place there and also there are entertainment facilities so that the journey is not boring at all.
You can reach Dhaka from Comilla through all these facilities. So know about the trains and their schedule.
Train Name: Mahanagar Twilight (703)
Departs from Comilla :17:64
Arrive Dhaka :21:25
Holidays: None
Train Name: Coastal Express (711)
Departs from Comilla : 08:00 hrs
Reach Dhaka : 11:45 am
Holiday: Wednesday
Train Name: Mahanagar Express (721)
Departs from Comilla: 15:20
Reach Dhaka : 19:10 time
Holiday: Sunday
Train Name: Trina Express (741)
Departs from Comilla: 01:45 hrs
Reach Dhaka : 05:15 hrs
Holidays: None
These inter-city trains are constantly plying from Comilla to Chittagong route, so people traveling on this route do not have to face any difficulty. People of this region can travel by train without any hesitation.
Comilla to Dhaka Train Schedule:
(Mail Express)
All mail express trains plying on Comilla to Dhaka route. These trains have been plying this route for a long time.
Those of you who are thinking of going on these mail express trains. They should check this train and its schedule carefully.
Train Name: Dhaka Mail(1)
Departs from Comilla : 01:30 hrs
Reach Dhaka : 06:55 time
Holidays: None
Train Name: Karnaphuli Express (3)
Departs from Comilla : 13:30 hrs
Arrive Dhaka : 19:45 hrs
Holidays: None
Train Name: Dhaka Express (11)
Departs from Comilla : 13:33 Time
Reach Dhaka : 06:40 hrs
Holidays: None
Train Name: Chatla Express (67)
Departs from Comilla : 11:40 hrs
Reach Dhaka : 15:50 time
Holiday: Tuesday
Train Name: Comilla Commuter (89)
Departs from Comilla: 06:10
Reach Dhaka: 12:50
Holiday: Tuesday
If you want to go to Dhaka through email express trains, you need to know the timings well. Because trains travel according to time. So if you want to go to these trains. So remember the times well. You cannot catch these trains after time.
Comilla to Dhaka Train Ticket Fare List:
In these Ruti trains, the fares of almost all ten are the same, but according to the category, you have to enter the fare separately. There are many different seat categories in the train. If you want to go from the lowest seat category, you have to pay 170 Taka. And if you want to go for the highest fare, then you have to pay 702 Taka in exchange for which you will get AC berth seat split.