
Multiplan Center Off Day | Opening Time, Shop List, Contact Number & More

Multiplan Center is the largest IT marketplace in Bangladesh. People from different parts of Bangladesh come to the famous marketplace to buy their various problems and items. It is very important to know whether a marketplace is open before you come to an emergency.

As the Multiplan Center is the largest marketplace in Bangladesh, this shopping mall is constantly being tried for the people. However, the Multiplan Center was closed for a day to alleviate the monotony. So for those of you who are interested in learning about the day off at the Multiplan Center, we have written today’s article where we have provided the Multiplan Center closed on some days and all the contact numbers along with the list of stores.

Therefore, those of you who have searched the Internet for information about the Multiplan Centre’s Off Day Office will do our article and collect your important information. We fully assure you that all the information we have presented here has been collected from every valuable and official website.

Multiplan Center [ECS Computer City]

At the beginning of the discussion we want to give you some ideas about Multiplan Center which you can find by searching the internet. The Multiplan Center is generally famous for its information technology related electronics products which is why people from all over the country come here regularly to buy, sell and repair their electronics products.

Lalbagh Kella Off Day

This popular Multiplan Center is located in the New Paltan Area of ​​Dhaka Division which makes it very close to the people residing in Dhaka. In this building, you will find all the amenities of a modern shopping mall, such as escalators, central air conditioning system, canteen and washroom, backup generator, and many more. Below we have published a short list of all the service or shopping shops in the Multiplan Center.


Multiplan Center Off Day

Due to being the largest electronics shopping mall in Bangladesh, the Multiplan Center is closed on Tuesdays every week. Even though the whole marketplace is closed on Tuesdays, you can buy from here in any other way if you want. After learning about Multiplan Center Off Day, you must share your thoughts with others, so that you can know another person about ECS Computer City Off Day.

Shyamoli Square Off Day

Multiplan Center Shop List

For those of you who are looking for a list of Multiplan Center stores, we have published that list here. We have already informed you that Multiplan Center is a marketplace where you can get electronics products. This marketplace is very popular for computer smartphones and other electronic devices so you can market yourself according to the list given below.

Screenshot-2022-06-03-at-9-32-36-AMMultiplan Center Opening Time

It Opens at Early 10:00 AM and Closes at 8 PM Except For Off-Day/Weekly-Off Day.

One thing is for sure, it would be better for you to go there after 11 am, as it takes about 1 hour to clean and tidy after opening the shopping mall.

Dhaka IDB Bhaban Off Day

Multiplan Center Holiday Or Close Day:

Multiplan Center Holiday or Close Day is only one day, and the Day is Tuesday.

Multiplan Center (ECS) Address:

Check the Multiplan Center (ECS) Address From Below.

Address: 69/70 New Elephant Road, Bangladesh, Dhaka-1205.

Multiplan Computer City Phone, Contact Number:

Many people are searching the contact number or phone number of the Multiplan Center for different needs. So we’ve added the Contact Details of the Multiplan Center below the article.

Multiplan center authority Contact Number is: 02-55153472 /01938-858804

Jamuna Future Park Off Day

Multiplan BCS Computer Center Website:

The Multiplan Center’s website is not yet created. It will be opened very soon because the authority is preparing for this. However, I have added a Facebook page for you, from there you will get all the necessary information.


Finally we would like to tell you that if you want to come to the popular marketplace then you must read this article and collect important information. Follow our other articles to know about Dhaka and any other marketplace in the country.

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